Infusing hope - Imparting knowledge - Instilling courage


 Schedule Jamie for Your Church or Group:

Jamie Nash conducts educational conferences to share his miraculous deliverance from a 17-year meth addiction and educate those who want to understand and care for addicts and convicts.

At a "Full Pardon for Pros & Cons – How to Minister to Prodigals and Convicts" conference, Jamie shares his first-hand knowledge to educate those who need to understand the mind of the addict and those incarcerated for such crimes. 

Jamie Nash was released from prison in Illinois for meth and gun possession charges on February 18, 2009.  His meth use began in 1988 and ended at his sentence hearing in 2005. Delivered miraculously from 17 years of meth use, Jamie Nash is in the 2% of former meth users who have not again succumbed to its addicting death grip. He tells his story in his book, From Meth to Life – one cell at a time, available for sale at the conference.

Pastors, ministers, parents and loved ones of addicts are invited to hear Jamie’s priceless message of hope and his 5 Steps to Freedom, which he developed while incarcerated in the Illinois penal system. 

              Thursday – How to Minister to Convicts & Addicts (for pastors & ministers)
              Friday – Hope for Your Prodigal (for parents and loved ones + worship) 
              Saturday – Five Steps to Freedom, Physical & Spiritual (open session + worship)

To schedule Jamie to speak to your church or group, contact him through his ministry website: or call 641-295-1005.

Jamie’s book, From Meth to Life – one cell at a time, can be purchased through his website, , at his conferences or by calling 641-295-1005.